Monday, February 1, 2010

Cracked Heel Cream Recipe 2 Year Old Has Heel Fissures/cracked Heels.?

2 year old has heel fissures/cracked heels.? - cracked heel cream recipe

I realized that today was my 2 years old, walking on tiptoe, and complained of pain in the foot. After careful consideration, I've discovered on the heels of corneal thickness and deep cracks in them. I can not his shoes and socks for this guy, and after some research, I think this may be a part of the problem. But what should I do? I) a pumice stone on my heels today evening after leaving a shared bathroom, cracks superglue (generously to the heel of authorization for the use of "cream" True Blue Spa-heels, stockings and put it on him with a stern warning to socks. Oh, and also available online that can be a lack of vitamins and minerals in part to blame, so I bought some multivitamins for children. Is there anything else I can do for him or what should I do differently, how long it should last until you feel better?


Delilah B said...

Ive had exactly the same problem since I was little, that is a problem with the bones of the foot, what has happened to me it could be a podiatrist

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